Sketchbook Project

All posts tagged Sketchbook Project

Sketchbook troubles…

Published January 5, 2011 by annadz

So, I have less than 2 weeks to send off my sketchbook for the Sketchbook Project and I literally only have 4 drawings and the cover done. Which is pretty sad. And it’s not like I haven’t had any ideas. I’ve done tons of drawing in the last 2 months…just nothing really in the sketchbook 🙂 I find the paper really flimsy (since I’m really used to working on bristol) and the I’m not used to the small size…I guess why they call it a challenge! I actually haven’t decided if I’m going to send it in unfinished or not. Hopefully I’ll get a few more drawings done over the next couple of weeks….Anyway, I figured I’d post what I’ve done so far. My theme is “Lights in the Distance” and the style of drawing looks pretty much like what my everyday sketchbooks look like, complete with the writing.